Los soludos de Argentina

¡Hola y buenos dias! The trip down was smooth, which is to say, flights were on time and uneventful. Sleeping on a red eye is more like intermittent napping for me; I think Leena did a bit better. She awoke to see the moon set over the Andes a couple of hours before we reached Buenos Aires.


We got a few shots of the Andes (the flight path traced the west coast of South America as far south as Buenos Aires before turning a la izquierda para la última hora).


We’re staying at a hostel in the San Telmo neighborhood. We arrived a little after 10a, then took off for a few hours since official check-in is 2p. We explored street markets in the neighborhood and sampled the local brew Quilmes in one of the oldest bars in Buenos Aires.


After check-in, we enjoyed a nice siesta and were glad to have set an alarm to keep it to just 2 hours. We set out on foot to explore the neighborhood some more, and grabbed dinner at a spot the hostel recommended. As expected, plenty of meat to choose from.

Day two started later than expected — we slept right through breakfast at the hostel. Oh well. We explored the Recoleta neighborhood today.


Evita’s grave:


We went for the 7 peso ($1.75) copa de vino de la casa. It looked promising!


But, it tasted like a cheap glass of wine.


After many miles on foot, we made it back to the hostel just 10 minutes before it started pouring. Tomorrow, we’re off to Mendoza to explore wine country and find some of the good stuff. ¡Hasta luego!