Black Friday

We splurged on the high-end wine tour today, and I have to say it was well worth it. We caught a small bus with our guide Jose and 3 other couples for a 30-minute trip to Lujan de Cuyo, the oldest wine region in Argentina with over 1000 wineries. We toured and tasted at the first two wineries — both fantastic — then had a 5-course lunch at the third winery with wines paired to each course. The meal was outstanding, and we had a lot of fun getting to know the other couples on the tour. One couple from Honolulu, another from Atlanta, and another from Europe. We wrapped up at a final winery and promptly fell asleep for the ride home. Just another siesta.

Barrel room at Alta Vista, first winery of the day:

Pulenta, winery #2:

Second course served on a plank from a wine barrel:

We’re off to Santiago de Chile tomorrow. It’ll be country #16 for me (Drew), and something like #28 for Leena. I can’t beat her at anything… except golf, maybe.