Bank error NOT in my favor

The alarm went off at 4:30a to catch our 7a flight this morning from Santiago to Buenos Aires. Ugh. Check in was a bit nervy as we were told there was “a problem with the ticket” but they somehow squared it away. For Chile, you have to go through immigration both ways. They asked for a form we filled out on the way in. Uh, do we have those? They magically appear for us and we sail through.

Right by our boarding area was a bar called “The Last Pisco Sour.” True, but 6a is a bit early.

We cleared immigration and customs in Buenos Aires with no problem. I then go to the bank to change money. I change Chilean pesos, then a large sum of US dollars. I get back a huge stack, and must admit, I didn’t want to count it with a large line behind me and in such a public space.

We find a cafe with wireless and settle in for a 6-hour layover. I discreetly count the money. It’s 50 pesos (~$12.50) short. I check carefully. It’s short. It’s not a huge deal, but I decide to head back over to the bank. I tell Leena I have zero chance of getting the 50 pesos, but I’ll feel better at least letting them know. What’s to stop me from just taking a 50 out of the pile and giving it to Leena?

I hand over my receipt and the bills and tell them it’s short 50. It’s counted. It’s short. The teller who helped me is called over. She counts. She then hands me a 50 with no questions asked. It takes all of 90 seconds.

Sweet, right? I have this nagging doubt about the whole thing. Like it’s intentional, but if you catch them, they have to make it right lest the transaction get audited somehow. Anyway, I have my 50 pesos.