Go Northwestern!

We interrupt our regular travel blogging to send out a shout to Northwestern for their biggest game this year/decade/century (so far) kicking off in less than 12 hours. It’ll be the middle of the night here in Botswana and I’ll be in a tent, but there’s a small WIFI hotspot at the camp’s reception area. I may or may not end up here at 3a to check on things…

Go ‘Cats!
PS: We’re a couple of days behind on the blog, but we’ll wrap up Maasai Mara in the next post, then share our Zambezi rafting adventure and pics of the amazing Victoria Falls.

UPDATE: I did in fact wake up about 3:45, realized I wouldn’t fall back asleep knowing the game was on, so I slipped over to reception to “watch” on my phone. NU was up 20-13 at the half when I first checked in, but dropped a closer-than-the-score game 40-30. That’s OK though. They played OSU basically even, but gave up a punt block TD and a fumble recovery TD (on the last play when NU tried desperation laterals). If they win the Legends division in the B1G, they will likely get another shot at OSU in Indy.

Here’s Sunday morning’s sunrise in Botswana as the game ended just before 6a local. Life could be worse.
