We signed a year lease for our place in Portland in May of 2019. Since we could go monthly after a year, we planned to stick around until September or October. Portland summers really are the best.
The pandemic sure put a kink in those plans. To steal some business speak, we’ve decided to make a pivot to #vanlife. We started thinking about getting a van in July but didn’t want to do anything too impulsive. We figured if we were still excited in a month we’d get serious about it.
After lots of research – videos on YouTube, forums on Facebook – and some enthusiastic responses from friends and family, we went for it. We purchased a 2020 Mercedes Benz Sprinter 2500 cargo van in the 170” wheelbase with the 6 cylinder 4×4 diesel powertrain.

We’ll be building it out as an RV over the next 3 to 6 months with updates posted here (of course!). So far, we’ve zeroed in on a design and ordered lots and lots of stuff. Have you ever had 60+ items in a cart on Amazon?
Where are we headed? To be honest, we don’t really have a plan. We do like chasing the sun, so the timing of our launch means we’ll probably go south to California first and (cliche alert!) see where the road takes us. Speaking of roads, we’ll be taking as many backroads as possible since we won’t be in any rush. We’re looking forward to seeing plenty of friends (in a socially distant way) along the way.